Monday, January 25, 2010

Seriously Cool

A few months back I saw something on twitter about Ashton Kutcher being involved in counter human trafficking efforts. I was like, Whaa?

But today, the founder of Love146 tweeted about the DNAFoundation. The Demi & Ashton Foundation!

From the Website:

DNA - The Demi and Ashton Foundation – aims to eliminate child sex slavery worldwide. Believing that freedom is a fundamental human right, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher founded DNA to help raise awareness about this horrific problem, change cultural stereotypes and rehabilitate the innocent victims.

Demi and Ashton hope to help abolish modern day slavery, punish perpetrators and free the many innocent and exploited victims. The DNA Foundation is committed to protecting the freedom of the world’s most vulnerable citizens by forcing sex slavery out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Freedom is a basic human right and slavery is one of the greatest threats to that freedom. No one has the right to enslave another person.

That is Seriously Cool.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Dear You,

I know it's been a while. Too long a while. I mean sure, you know all about my terrorist connections and my split ends, but did you know I went to Egypt? For ten days! It was great.

And I will get around to the details and the pictures and all that. I really will! Just not tonight.

Tonight, I am leaving you with this silver frame, spotted in a shop window in Alexandria. I wish I could have bought it:


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yesterday, I turned 22 and a 1/2

This morning I cut my bangs.


My hair grows about a quarter of an inch a week so it really doesn't matter that I mangled them this morning. Next week at this time, they'll be normal-shaggy again and no one will know about this morning.

Of course, then I'll be annoyed all over again because they won't cooperate with me and the circle brush and the hairdryer. They won't fluff properly and so I'll be forced to clip them back--as I've been doing regularly for the last month and a half, when I first began cutting my own bangs. Badly.

I'll think about going to the salon. I'll fantasize about how great they'll look after they've been trimmed by an actual stylist in an actual salon--instead of haphazardly by me over my parents' bathroom sink.

But I won't go.

The stylist will screw up my bangs for sure and never mind that in a week, the screw up won't even be noticeable. The point is I will have paid for those screwed up bangs. I will have paid precious money--money I don't regularly make--on screwed up hair, and I would much rather just do it for free.