2. Travel.
3. Doing 2 for 1.
4. Halloween, for which I did not dress up.
5. Achieving Parallel Parking Victory!
6. Touring Philadelphia (see #3). It was fantastic.
7. Falling back in love with the US. I've decided to move to DC or New York. In 2012.
8. Visiting my BFF in Atlanta, and buying a brand new computer (because during number 7, I left my computer on the plane. Sha-WING!). Other fantastic highlights: fall in Atlanta (WOW), trying every flavor at Wonderful World of Coke's tasting station (we made a suicide of all 60 flavors. YUM)
9. Finding a heart-shaped radish leaf.
I have pictures for all of these and I was going to post them, but man, posting pictures is a pain, so Imma just ...
10. go to bed before 10. It's what I do these days and boy howdy do I adore it. I will give you a much more interesting (and visual!) update soon.
Much love,
This Little Ray (of SUNSHINE! :D)